The Tingle Family

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Littleton Tingle, Jasper Tingle, John Tingle, Thomas Tingle

Almost all Tingles in the Henry County and surrounding areas descend from Littleton Tingle, his brother Jasper or his cousins John or Thomas.

Samuel and Sarah Farwell Tingle, Grandparents of Littleton Tingle

Samuel and Sarah had at least five children who were mention in a record pertaining to the distribution of funds by the court. Unfortuately, the children were not named in the record. Samuel died in 1768, at about age 55, in Worcester County, Maryland (formerly Somerset County). Sarah was appointed administratrix of the estate. The final accounting was filed in 1772. Sarah received her one-third interest and the balance was distributed to the five children. All of this was taking place at the time when Delaware and Maryland boundary dispute was being settled. The boundary became known as the Mason and Dixon line. Some the Tingle lands which had been in Worcester County, Maryland ended up in Sussex County, Delaware.

Children of Littleton and Mary Tingle

Littleton Tingle is no doubt a descendant of Hugh and Elizabeth Powell Tingle, but exactly how is not sure. Through a process of elimination Virginia Tolman, a long time Tingle researcher, has determined that is likely that Littleton is a grandson of Samuel and Sarah (possibly Farwell) Tingle (son of Samuel and Sarah Cobb Tingle) and a son of Oliver. She feels fairly certain that Littleton and Jasper were brothers, and that Littleton was a cousin of Thomas and John.

Children of Jasper Tingle

It is not certain that Jasper was the son of Oliver. It is certain that Jasper was a first cousin of Thomas who was the son of Thomas Farwell Tingle.

Children and Grandchildren of Thomas Farwell Tingle